Member-only story
Quitting Writing Was Bad For My Health.
But so was Trying Too Hard.

I was killing it. I found love. I’d quit drinking and smoking. I was writing every day. I had formed structure out of chaos.
Then I dropped writing because something or other got crazy busy (it often does).And Medium also made some changes so you couldn’t write from your phone. And I was time poor. (Most people are.)
I was working the day job six days a week. I had taken on too much in my eagerness for changes. I was on the self-improvement highway doing the 05:00 meditation, drinking more water, quitting all the bad stuff and trying to get more and more done.
But if you work a genuine job at the low rung level you are going to be tired a lot because the people above you are wringing as much out of you as possible and paying you as little as possible. Welcome to late-stage too-late-to-save Capitalism. Hurray.
And you get tired and you know how it goes. You drop one thing, then let something else slip. And you’re an all or nothing kinda person and so if you’re failing to be perfect you beat yourself up and think you can’t do any of it properly.
Pretty soon the bad habits slipped back in. The old coping mechanisms went from…